Tag Archives: Karad

Placement is out and after listening to the (multiple) shattering of this thing called the heart as they announced it, it’s been decided that I will be heading to Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences in Karad, Maharashtra.

Let’s look on the bright side first (which will be brief) It looks nice, the university. And it is also pretty cold there which is a great change from scorching Malaysian weather. So guys, no I won’t be tanned when I come back from curryland (the general assumption).

But it is also some sort of a nunnery because only girls are sent there. Yup, just my luck. It’s funny because just before the placement my friend asked what if we end up in the all girls place (read: are we gonna grow old alone and die as virgins as people told me if you don’t have a boyfriend by the time you graduate from med school, you’re doomed) and I told her we won’t be that unlucky. Well guess what, shit happens. To me. She got somewhere else but I’m glad she did.

It’s okay I can deal with the nunnery part but the worse part is that I am separated from most of my friends. Yes I knew this was coming, it’s inevitable but still, it doesn’t make it any less depressing to have it confirmed. To top it off my bff Michelle won’t be heading to India at all. In fact she might leave anytime now. Gonna be a bit dramatic but a part of me died a little inside.

But it is not just me. Save for an occasional jubilation for much too few, lot of hopes were dashed, hearts broken in the hall where the announcement took place.

Also, perhaps the most tragic part, it really doesn’t help to have my worst fear confirmed.

Bleeding only to see the gloom of the clouds ahead. Can you hear the steady dripping sound?

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