Downside Of Words

Aren’t words magical?

Words have the ambiguous ability to act as balm to soothe a heartache, or fashioned into knives and daggers to bring people down. It can be the best personalized weapon of destruction designed to inflict the worst of hurts on one. Physical wounds would form a scab to cushion the pain and heal completely eventually. However emotional ones remain raw and torturous every waking moment.

Words can be treacherous serpents born from the tongue of it’s maker, pregnant with poison just waiting to be unleashed. The venom could engulf one’s heart in flames of despair if wielded accurately.

There are many times where I found myself in a situation where white hot fury consumes me and since I can’t actually hit the person, I automatically ransack my brain for the most lethal string of syllabus, contrived with the sole aim to agonise, to be hurled at him/her. Well finding myself at the other end, the end which is being hurled at, was a debilitating taste of my own medicine to say the least.

I will be more careful in my speech. Sometimes silence is the best thing to say. After all, words once spoken, can never be taken back.


One thought on “Downside Of Words

  1. hello says:

    Sticks and stones are hard on bones
    Aimed with angry art,
    Words can sting like anything
    But silence breaks the heart.
    – Phyllis McGinley

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